VISUM Welcome Party
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VISUM Welcome Party Werbeplakat
VISUM Welcome Party
Datum:Di 03.09.13 Uhrzeit:22:00 Uhr - 04:00 Uhr
Location:Alte Feuerwache Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: VISUM e.V. Kategorie:Unifeten

Karteninfo: VVK: Di, 03.09.13, 12:00 Mensawiese

5 Euro

weitere Infos:
You’ve safely arrived in Mannheim and already survived your first parties? Then you better do not miss the first VISUM-Party this semester! Show us that you are proud of your home country! Bring along your flag, paint your body with the colors of your country or just wear the colors!
You call Mannheim your home and you always wanted to get to know internationals from all over the world? Now, you’re invited to represent your home country as well!
(You don’t have a flag? Then you’re able to buy one at “Fancorner” in N7,7 or to order one at

We are looking forward to partying with you!
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