Kinds of awe
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Kinds of awe Werbeplakat
Kinds of awe
Datum:Fr 18.12.15 Uhrzeit:19:00 Uhr - 00:00 Uhr
Location:RAW Gallery Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: RAW Gallery Kategorie:Kultur

Karteninfo: Kostenlos

weitere Infos:
We'd like to invite you to the opening of our next exhibition. Check below the details:

KINDS OF AWE - An insight of the corious ways of how people live out their awe.
Ganges - Room I
People in India use to shave their entire hair as an offering to God in return for fulfilling their wishes and to prepare for a new hopeful future. This procedure also has other meanings. It’s done if there is a death in the family (esp. Father’s or Grandfather’s). They also use to shave the first baby’s hair for purifying the baby’s soul.
Ol Doinyo Lengai - Room II
The only active vulcano in the world which produces white lava. The name means „Gods Mountain“ and for the Massai it is a holy place where they go on pilgrimage to scarifize goats for women’s fertility. It’s the home of their God Enkai. The Massai don’t climb onto their holy mountain but they allow tourists to do it.

RAW presents in collaboration with Christian Dammert:

Plexidelic by Christian Dammert is a multilayer analogue object interacting with light,
colour, and visual depth. The perception of the work changes through the spectator´s movement.
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