Shapes - Students Welcome
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Shapes - Students Welcome Werbeplakat
Shapes - Students Welcome
Datum:Do 13.10.16 Uhrzeit:22:00 Uhr - 03:00 Uhr
Location:Parker Lewis Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Parker Lewis Kategorie:Party/Club

Karteninfo:keine Angabe

weitere Infos:
Every thursday, the only electronic party in Mannheim, come along with smooved electronic beats and cold served drinks.

We welcome you to chill at our well selected bar with monthly changing drink specials. Behind the turntables Shapes Resident, and New York native, Day V. Jones will surprise Mannheim’s dance addicts with flawless house and techhouse sounds.

Students welcome!
no entry-fee – min. consumption of 5€

- 5,-€ "Parker Lewis" Zubrowka (Vodka) & Naturtrüber Apfelsaft
- 2,50€ "Ureich"
- 2,50€ "Wulle "
- 2,50€ Prosecco
- 1,- "Berliner Luft" (Peppermint lique
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Location: Parker LewisVergrößern
Parker Lewis
H 7, 24
68159 Mannheim
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