Parker Lewis presents Malonian
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Parker Lewis presents Malonian Werbeplakat
Parker Lewis presents Malonian
Datum:Sa 03.12.16 Uhrzeit:23:59 Uhr - 05:00 Uhr
Location:Parker Lewis Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Parker Lewis Kategorie:Party/Club

Karteninfo: AK 10€, Studenten 7€
DJ:Andrei Ciubuc, Fusal

weitere Infos:
Welcome back Malonian! The Hannover based label returns to Parker Lewis to host their second Labelshowcase.

Andrei Ciubuc who had his first appearance in Germany at our beloved Parker Lewis is on board again and he's accompanied by the German DJ Team Fusal.

After some superb releases Andrei Ciubuc got a lot of attention in the underground scene, resulting in gigs at European hot spots like Club der Visonäre in Berlin or the infamous Club Guesthouse in Bucharest. He could be considered to the next big thing in Romania.

Fusal are in charge of the third release of Malonian. After two releases by Sedee, Andrei Ciubuc and Raresh, the Mainz based DJ-Team will take care of the upcoming imprint of the label.
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Location: Parker LewisVergrößern
Parker Lewis
H 7, 24
68159 Mannheim
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