Uranium Club / Punk aus Minneapolis
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Uranium Club / Punk aus Minneapolis Werbeplakat
Uranium Club / Punk aus Minneapolis
Datum:Sa 26.11.16 Uhrzeit:21:00 Uhr - 00:00 Uhr
Location:JUZ Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: juz Kategorie:Konzert

Karteninfo:keine Angabe

weitere Infos:
Wahnsinns Name, wahnsinns Band!

The (Minneapolis) Uranium Club Band

“if you‘re not listening to this by now, you‘re fucking up.“ Blunt Sleazy
“punk rarely feels this expansive“ Pitchfork
“Uranium Club tick so many right boxes that it borders on creepy“ Collective Zine

free album: https://fashionableidiotsrecords.bandcamp.com/albu m/human-exploration-12
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Location: JUZVergrößern
Käthe-Kollwitz-Str. 2-4
68169 Mannheim
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