Parker Lewis presents Tim Etzel & Toby T
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Parker Lewis presents Tim Etzel & Toby T Werbeplakat
Parker Lewis presents Tim Etzel & Toby T
Datum:Fr 02.12.16 Uhrzeit:23:59 Uhr - 05:00 Uhr
Location:Parker Lewis Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Parker Lewis Kategorie:Party/Club

Karteninfo: AK 6€

weitere Infos:
Toby T & Tim Etzel

Straight 68 - dance with your local scene.

Mannheim has a very distinctive electronic music scene, with different expressions, but at the end all Mannheimer love to dance to quality music.

This night will be represented by two local DJs who stand for the diversity and quality of Mannheim and we are happy they are playing together at our beloved Parker Lewis.

Line Up

Tim Etzel "official" // Minimalistica
Toby T // KUSI Records / Salty Nuts / Valioso Recordings

Admission only 6€
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Location: Parker LewisVergrößern
Parker Lewis
H 7, 24
68159 Mannheim
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